UN- CAGE: The bird feeder


UN- CAGE: The bird feeder

Dont you hate it when the semester is over, the jury was as humiliating as it can be and worst of all youre still left with the model that you sinked more than 5k ruppees on? Atleast the sheets with your mediocre drawings can be stashed away, but this model HAS to stand the test of time and be the proof against time of your work. Nah, not really, it just acts as a constant reminder of how you cannot be a designer like your idols you dream of.

Well worry not, my friend!

Use the models base to repurpose it for something worthwhile. If the base is contoured, the bird poop might just slide off it (depending on the slope obviously!). Since you failed to provide a space for humans to live in, doesn't mean its completely inhabitable. Just let little birdies live, feed and breed in it. You can even list it as a sustainable project in your portfolio, that your employer would just brush past with no consideration. Use some of the wooden sticks they make you buy in first year and borrow some thread from your mom's sewing kit and youre good to go. Put some containers on it, fill it with water or grains and let nature take over. 

Re-use and the mental satisfaction that your were able to make world a better place for some souls? if you spent 5k or not on the model, this feeling is trust me PRICELESS! 

Now go crazy and try other designs too, you bum. Because 'copying' is a sin but 'inspiration' makes us designers.

Image credits: The Author


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