The dreaded CEED Exam on 19 Jan

Time vacuum sucked me in and dropped me on the 19th of January with waking up to give the next exam. It felt like reliving the day I gave my NID exams but now I was seasoned and approached the situation ritually. The day started out strangely similar, with constant déjà vu on my mind as I left the house. I remember this time asking my friends to wish me all the best, as even they had become accustomed to me taking exams now. As I started out with my dad, he had all the confidence in the world that we would reach the center on time. We started out much earlier than the previous exam and I stayed calm and confident in the trip. As we reached closer to the exam center I could see the number of cars increasing, to our surprise a huge crowd of parents and their eager children were already there to give their exams. This included the CEED students as well as undergraduate applicants. Dad, being a seasoned veteran at these ordeals, made the decision to park well ahead of the exam center and w...