
Showing posts from February, 2021

The sacred space - Competition entry

A Sacred space is a derivation of an individual’s belief. With the coexistence of multiple religions around the globe, the definition of a sacred space has diluted down to mean the same as a holy space, which isnt true. The idea of being sacred is achieved in a sense of tranquility, compassion and bliss with oneself and the attitude towards others. Its a space that incubates love and conciousness. It serves to deviate hatred from the hearts and convinces the individual to embrace and to realise. A sacred architectural space must strive to achieve all this in the terms of its motive, scale, form, material and accessibility. Architecture serves the purpose of a symbol for its users and if the symbol achieves this level of purity and cognition, then it can being to serve to motivate the users within it.  Zoroastrianism is a one of the oldest faiths still being practiced in the present. Called the Parsis, they saw persecution from the Islamic invasions and sought refuge in India and other

The pandemic and our urban habitat - Essay

 Collage by Utsav Chaudhury B efore the pandemic entered India, I was busy completing the remainder of my 90 day internship in Goa; with dreams of leaving work and exploring Goa for the month of May. Alas to my surprise, the lockdown came into effect and along with it the absolutely confusing months of March and April where everyday was going into a forest, hunting and gathering for the week’s supply of vegetables, spices, Maggi and others. It was a situation like no other and to my good fortune I had moved into a new apartment with 3 new roommates, which meant we could divide in groups of two and distribute the shopping list amongst each other. Alternate days of coming back from the ‘hunt’ and laying all our food down on the balcony floor for it to sanitise under the sun rays while we tallied up and divided the expenses amongst ourselves was our new normal. Although it is no doubt an extremely scary and panicking situation, where the basic necessity of everyday food wasn't readily